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Recognize Urinary Difficulties and Side Effects

Urinary medications are given according to the underlying cause. There are various drugs that can be used to treat urination. Therefore, it is important to be familiar with the workings of difficult urine medications and possible side effects. The normal frequency of urinating is 4-6 times a day. Holding urine too long or too often can weaken the bladder muscles. Difficulty urinating generally develops slowly over time, and can occur in everyone and at all ages. Although it is more common in older men due to an enlarged prostate gland, it can also occur in women. Difficulty urinating can be accompanied by other symptoms such as dripping or weak urine flow, pain during urination, and feeling of incomplete after urination. Some other things that can cause difficulty urinating are infections of the prostate or urinary tract, drugs (cold and cold medicines, certain vitamins and supplements), nervous system abnormalities, side effects of surgery, formation of strictures or scar tissue that clog the urinary tract, kidney stones, gonorrhea, chronic prostatitis, and cancer.

Getting to Know About Urinary Difficulties

Urinary disorders can be given according to the underlying cause. Antibiotic drugs will be given if there is an infection, and drugs to treat prostate enlargement if there is enlarged prostate. Below are some prescription medications for urinary incontinence and possible side effects.
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors

  • This class of drugs can reduce urinary problems due to an enlarged prostate, by reducing the size of the prostate and help facilitate the ability to urinate. Type 5-alpha reductase inhibitor drugs that can be prescribed by doctors are finasteride and dutasteride. Side effects of this class of drugs can be allergic, reduced libido, ejaculation disorders, impotence, breast enlargement in men (gynecomastia), dizziness, and breast or prostate cancer.
  • Alpha blockers

  • This drug serves to relax the prostate muscle, making it easier for urine to flow into the urethra. Urinary problems are usually used for the first time to treat urinary problems due to enlargement of the prostate gland. Drugs that include alpha blockers include tamsulosin, doxazosin, and prazosin. Side effects of this class of drugs are a decrease in blood pressure, chest pain, ejaculation disorders, priapism, nausea, weakness, to allergies.
  • Estrogen

  • In men, estrogen can reduce prostate tissue growth. Prostate enlargement is one of the most common causes of urinary problems in men, especially the elderly. Giving estrogen can reduce the size of the prostate so that the ability to urinate more smoothly.
  • Urinary catheter placement

  • Difficult urination that causes pain or a buildup of urine in the bladder that cannot be removed often needs to be treated with a urine catheter installation procedure. If there is a blockage in the urinary tract due to enlargement of the prostate, stricture, or tumor, the installation of a urine catheter can be done through a hole made in the lower abdomen. This action is certainly preceded by anesthesia.
  • Operating procedure

  • Surgical procedures can be an option for handling very large prostate enlargement cases, or there is no improvement after giving previous treatment. The type of surgical procedure can be prostate surgery through the urinary tract (TURP), internal uretrotomy, which is surgery to treat urinary tract obstruction due to stricture. This action has several risks and side effects, ranging from urinary tract infections, bleeding, urinary incontinence, to bladder and kidney damage.
Warm compresses on the lower abdomen can help relax the bladder muscles and help urinate. If there are complaints of difficulty urinating, see a doctor is the best step to get the right urinary drugs. When consulting, the doctor will trace your history of complaints and illness, then conduct a physical examination and will suggest an appropriate investigation to determine the diagnosis. After that, the doctor will give you the right urine medicine for you.


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